A sacrifice the Island demanded


John Locke was my friend for all of four hours.

It began at Nerdapalooza when I ran into MadHatter, who swept me up into a big hug and told me of the beaded pixel-art sprites he’d be selling that weekend at the Scrub Club table in the vendor area. “I thought of you when I was making John Locke,” he said. That man, he knows me well.

I immediately knew that John and I would be having grand adventures all weekend, and I ventured outside to grab the first few shots: me with John; Z. with John; John foraging for food; John learning more information about “your zombie control experts”.

Sadly, John’s adventures ended quite unceremoniously at the Orlando airport-area Chipotle. Z. was adamant that we “leave no man behind”, but after about an hour of searching (and missing Shael Riley perform), we still could not locate him.

“Should we be on the lookout for a beaded Smoke Monster?”

I sulked, I cried, I accepted hugs of consolation, and I bucked up to return to the awesome epicness of nerdcore and geek rock. MadHatter comforted me with promises that one day, I would indeed see John Locke again.

And with that promise, this blog is born.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be posting some of the photos from my short-lived Nerdapalooza adventures with John. By the time I meet John Locke v.2 (or is that Jeremy Bentham? or the Man in Black?) I’ll be ready for a Lost rewatch with the entire series collection and an at-least-weekly post of the new adventures of John Locke.

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